Title stata.com
xmlsave Export or import dataset in XML format
Syntax Menu Description Options for xmlsave
Options for xmluse Remarks and examples Also see
Export dataset in memory to XML format
xmlsave filename
, xmlsave options
Export subset of dataset in memory to XML format
xmlsave varlist using filename
, xmlsave options
Import XML-format dataset
xmluse filename
, xmluse options
xmlsave options Description
doctype(dta) save XML file by using Stata’s .dta format
doctype(excel) save XML file by using Excel XML format
dtd include Stata DTD in XML file
legible format XML to be more legible
replace overwrite existing filename
xmluse options Description
doctype(dta) load XML file by using Stata’s .dta format
doctype(excel) load XML file by using Excel XML format
sheet("sheetname") Excel worksheet to load
cells(upper-left:lower-right) Excel cell range to load
datestring import Excel dates as strings
allstring import all Excel data as strings
firstrow treat first row of Excel data as variable names
missing treat inconsistent Excel types as missing
nocompress do not compress Excel data
clear replace data in memory
2 xmlsave Export or import dataset in XML format
File > Export > XML data
File > Import > XML data
xmlsave and xmluse allow datasets to be exported or imported in XML file formats for Stata’s
.dta and Microsoft Excel’s SpreadsheetML format. XML files are advantageous because they are
structured text files that are highly portable between applications that understand XML.
Stata can directly import files in Microsoft Excel .xls or .xlsx format. If you have files in that
format or you wish to export files to that format, see [D] import excel.
xmlsave exports the data in memory in the dta XML format by default. To export the data, type
. xmlsave filename
although sometimes you will want to explicitly specify which document type definition (DTD) to use
by typing
. xmlsave filename, doctype(dta)
xmluse can read either an Excel-format XML or a Stata-format XML file into Stata. You type
. xmluse filename
Stata will read into memory the XML file filename.xml, containing the data after determining whether
the file is of document type dta or excel. As with the xmlsave command, the document type can
also be explicitly specified with the doctype() option.
. xmluse filename, doctype(dta)
It never hurts to specify the document type; it is actually recommended because there is no guarantee
that Stata will be able to determine the document type from the content of the XML file. Whenever
the doctype() option is omitted, a note will be displayed that identifies the document type Stata
used to load the dataset.
If filename is specified without an extension, .xml is assumed.
xmlsave cannot save strLs.
Options for xmlsave
doctype(dta | excel) specifies the DTD to use when exporting the dataset.
doctype(dta), the default, specifies that an XML file will be exported using Stata’s .dta format
(see [P] file formats .dta). This is analogous to Stata’s binary dta format for datasets. All data
that can normally be represented in a normal dta file will be represented by this document type.
xmlsave Export or import dataset in XML format 3
doctype(excel) specifies that an XML file will be exported using Microsoft’s SpreadsheetML
DTD. SpreadsheetML is the term given by Microsoft to the Excel XML format. Specifying this
document type produces a generic spreadsheet with variable names as the first row, followed by
data. It can be imported by any version of Microsoft Excel that supports Microsoft’s SpreadsheetML
dtd when combined with doctype(dta) embeds the necessary DTD into the XML file so that a
validating parser of another application can verify the dta XML format. This option is rarely used,
however, because it increases file size with information that is purely optional.
legible adds indents and other optional formatting to the XML file, making it more legible for a person
to read. This extra formatting, however, is unnecessary and in larger datasets can significantly
increase the file size.
replace permits xmlsave to overwrite existing filename.xml.
Options for xmluse
doctype(dta | excel) specifies the DTD to use when loading data from filename.xml. Although it
is optional, use of doctype() is encouraged. If this option is omitted with xmluse, the document
type of filename.xml will be determined automatically. When this occurs, a note will display the
document type used to translate filename.xml. This automatic determination of document type is
not guaranteed, and the use of this option is encouraged to prevent ambiguity between various
XML formats. Specifying the document type explicitly also improves speed, as the data are only
passed over once to load, instead of twice to determine the document type. In larger datasets, this
advantage can be noticeable.
doctype(dta) specifies that an XML file will be loaded using Stata’s dta format. This document
type follows closely Stata’s binary .dta format (see [P] file formats .dta).
doctype(excel) specifies that an XML file will be loaded using Microsoft’s SpreadsheetML DTD.
SpreadsheetML is the term given by Microsoft to the Excel XML format.
sheet("sheetname") imports the worksheet named sheetname. Excel files can contain multiple
worksheets within one document, so using the sheet() option specifies which of these to load.
The default is to import the first worksheet to occur within filename.xml.
cells(upper-left:lower-right) specifies a cell range within an Excel worksheet to load. The default
range is the entire range of the worksheet, even if portions are empty. Often the use of cells()
is necessary because data are offset within a spreadsheet, or only some of the data need to be
loaded. Cell-range notation follows the letter-for-column and number-for-row convention that is
popular within all spreadsheet applications. The following are valid examples:
. xmluse filename, doctype(excel) cells(A1:D100)
. xmluse filename, doctype(excel) cells(C23:AA100)
datestring forces all Excel SpreadsheetML date formats to be imported as strings to retain time
information that would otherwise be lost if automatically converted to Stata’s date format. With
this option, time information can be parsed from the string after loading it.
allstring forces Stata to import all Excel SpreadsheetML data as string data. Although data type
information is dictated by SpreadsheetML, there are no constraints to keep types consistent within
columns. When such inconsistent use of data types occurs in SpreadsheetML, the only way to
resolve inconsistencies is to import data as string data.
4 xmlsave Export or import dataset in XML format
firstrow specifies that the first row of data in an Excel worksheet consist of variable names. The
default behavior is to generate generic names. If any name is not a valid Stata variable name, a
generic name will be substituted in its place.
missing forces any inconsistent data types within SpreadsheetML columns to be imported as missing
data. This can be necessary for various reasons but often will occur when a formula for a particular
cell results in an error, thus inserting a cell of type ERROR into a column that was predominantly
of a NUMERIC type.
nocompress specifies that data not be compressed after loading from an Excel SpreadsheetML file.
Because data type information in SpreadsheetML can be ambiguous, Stata initially imports with
broad data types and, after all data are loaded, performs a compress (see [D] compress) to reduce
data types to a more appropriate size. The following table shows the data type conversion used
before compression and the data types that would result from using nocompress:
SpreadsheetML type Initial Stata type
String str2045
Number double
Boolean double
DateTime double
Error str2045
clear clears data in memory before loading from filename.xml.
Remarks and examples stata.com
XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and is a highly adaptable text format derived from
SGML. The World Wide Web Consortium is responsible for maintaining the XML language standards.
See http://www.w3.org/XML/ for information regarding the XML language, as well as a thorough
definition of its syntax.
The document type dta, used by both xmlsave and xmluse, represents Stata’s own DTD for
representing Stata .dta files in XML. Stata reserves the right to modify the specification for this DTD
at any time, although this is unlikely to be a frequent event.
The document type excel, used by both xmlsave and xmluse, corresponds to the DTD developed
by Microsoft for use in modern versions of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. This product may incorporate
intellectual property owned by Microsoft Corporation. The terms and conditions under which Microsoft
is licensing such intellectual property may be found at
For more information about Microsoft Office and XML, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
Technical note
When you import data from Excel to Stata, a common hurdle is handling Excel’s use of inconsistent
data types within columns. Numbers, strings, and other types can be mixed freely within a column
of Excel data. Stata, however, requires that all data in a variable be of one consistent type. This can
cause problems when a column of data from Excel is imported into Stata and the data types vary
across rows.
xmlsave Export or import dataset in XML format 5
By default, xmluse attempts to import Excel data by using the data type information stored in
the XML file. If an error due to data type inconsistencies is encountered, you can use the options
firstrow, missing, and cells() to isolate the problem while retaining as much of the data-type
information as possible.
However, identifying the problem and determining which option to apply can sometimes be difficult.
Often you may not care in what format the data are imported into Stata, as long as you can import
them. The quick solution for these situations is to use the allstring option to guarantee that all the
data are imported as strings, assuming that the XML file itself was valid. Often converting the data
back into numeric form after they are imported into Stata is easier, given Stata’s vast data management
Example 1: Saving XML files
To export the current Stata dataset to a file, auto.xml, type
. xmlsave auto
To overwrite an existing XML dataset with a new file containing the variables make, mpg, and
weight, type
. xmlsave make mpg weight using auto, replace
To export the dataset to an XML file for use with Microsoft Excel, type
. xmlsave auto, doctype(excel) replace
Example 2: Using XML files
Assuming that we have a file named auto.xml exported using the doctype(dta) option of
xmlsave, we can read in this dataset with the command
. xmluse auto, doctype(dta) clear
If the file was exported from Microsoft Excel to a file called auto.xml that contained the worksheet
Rollover Data, with the first row representing column headers (or variable names), we could import
the worksheet by typing
. xmluse auto, doctype(excel) sheet("Rollover Data") firstrow clear
Continuing with the previous example: if we wanted just the first column of data in that worksheet,
and we knew that there were only 75 rows, including one for the variable name, we could have typed
. xmluse auto, doc(excel) sheet("Rollover Data") cells(A1:A75) first clear
Also see
[D] compress Compress data in memory
[D] export Overview of exporting data from Stata
[D] import Overview of importing data into Stata
[P] file formats .dta Description of .dta file format