California State Government Code Section 65302
Mandates that noise elements be included as a part of city general plans and that cities adopt
comprehensive noise ordinances.
California Noise Control Act
California Health and Safety Code
Sections 46000 - 46080
Glendora Code on Noise and PA Control
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4600. The Legislature hereby finds and declares
(a) Excessive noise is a serious hazard to the
public health and welfare.
(b) Exposure to certain levels of noise can result
in physiological, psychological, and economic
(c) There is a continuous and increasing
bombardment of noise in the urban, suburban, and
rural areas.
(d) Government has not taken the steps
necessary to provide for the control, abatement,
and prevention of unwanted and hazardous noise.
(e) The State of California has a responsibility to
protect the health and welfare of its citizens by the
control, prevention, and abatement of noise.
(f) All Californians are entitled to a peaceful
and quiet environment without the intrusion of
noise which may be hazardous to their health
or welfare.
(g) It is the policy of the state to provide an
environment for all Californians free from noise
that jeopardizes their health or welfare. To that
end it is the purpose of this division to establish a
means for effective coordination of state activities
in noise control and to take such action as will be
necessary to achieve the purposes of this section.
46001. No provision of this division or ruling of the
Office of Noise Control is a limitation or expansion:
(a) On the power of a city, county, or city and
county to adopt and enforce additional regulations,
not in conflict therewith, imposing further
conditions, restrictions, or limitations.
(b) On the power of any city, county, or city and
county to declare, prohibit, and abate nuisances.
(c) On the power of the Attorney General, at the
request of the office, the state department, or upon
his own motion to bring an action in the name of
the people of the State of California to enjoin any
pollution or nuisance or to protect the natural
resources of the state.
(d) On the power of a state agency in the
enforcement or administration of any provision of
law which it is specifically
permitted or required to enforce or administer.
(e) On the right of any person to maintain at
any time any appropriate action for relief
against any private nuisance as defined in the
Civil Code or for relief against any noise
46022. "Noise" means and includes excessive
undesirable sound, including that produced by
persons, pets and livestock, industrial equipment,
construction, motor vehicles, boats, aircraft, home
appliances, electric motors, combustion engines,
and any other noise-producing objects.
46060. It is the purpose of this chapter to
encourage the enactment and enforcement of
local ordinances in those areas which are most
properly the responsibility of local
government. It is further the purpose to insure
that the state is of maximum assistance to local
agencies in the discharge of those responsibilities,
furnishing technical and legal expertise to assist
local agencies in the enactment and enforcement
of meaningful and technically sufficient noise
abatement measures.
44507. "Pollution" means an alteration of the
quality of the environment of the state and shall be
determined by the various standards prescribed
from time to time by this state, the federal
government, or any agency, department, or
political subdivision of this state or the federal
government, and may include, but is not limited to,
earth, air, or water pollution, pollution caused by
solid or hazardous waste disposal, thermal
pollution, radiation contamination, the release of
hazardous materials, or noise pollution. Pollution
also includes, but is not limited to, the
contamination of soil or groundwater resulting from
the release of hazardous materials, as defined in
Section 25260, or the presence of asbestos or
lead paint, at sites with a reasonable potential for
economically beneficial reuse.
SECTION 46060-46062
Office of Noise Control
46062. The office shall provide assistance to local
agencies in the preparation of model ordinances to
control and abate noise. Such ordinances shall be
developed in consultation with the Attorney
General and with representatives of local
agencies, including the County Supervisors
Association of California and the League of
California Cities. Any local agency which adopts
any noise control ordinance shall promptly furnish
a copy to the office.
California Land Use Compatibility Noise Guidelines
LAND USE CATEGORY -- Residential - Low Density, Single-Family, Duplex , Mobile Homes
Normally Acceptable
Clearly Unacceptable
50-60 dBA
55-70 dBA
75-85 dBA
Source: California Land Use Compatibility Noise Guidelines - Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL*)
Glendora Single-Family Residential - Noise Regulations
7:00 am 7:00 pm
55 dBA
7:00 pm 10:00 pm
50 dBA
10:00 pm 7:00 am
45 dBA
Source: City of Glendora Municipal Code, Chapter 9.44, Noise Regulation.
An overview on the Law of Nuisance - Glendora Code on Noise - City of Glendora Law of Nuisance Code
Glendora Code on Zoning - Glendora Environmental Impact Report
Ambient noise: background or existing noise level. The composite of noise from all sources near and
far in a given environment, exclusive of occasional and transient intrusive noise.
CNEL (Community Noise Equivalent Level): a noise measurement scale applied over a 24-hour
period to all noise events received at the measurement point. It is weighted more heavily for evening and
night periods in order to account for the lower tolerance of individuals to noise during those periods.
EIR: environmental impact report, a requirement of CEQA.
EIS: environmental impact statement, a requirement of NEPA.
EPA: federal Environmental Protection Agency.