Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
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Original research article
Society of Family Planning clinical recommendations: Pain control in
surgical abortion part 2 Moderate sedation, deep sedation, and
general anesthesia
Catherine Cansino
a ,
, Colleen Denny
, A. Sue Carlisle
, Phillip Stubblefield
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, United States
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York University, New York, NY, United States
Department of Anesthesia, University of California, San Francisco, CA, United States
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 10 May 2021
Received in revised form 3 August 2021
Accepted 7 August 2021
Moderate sedation
Deep sedation
General anesthesia
Pain relief for surgical abortion
a b s t r a c t
Analgesic options for surgical abortion (also called procedural abortion) beyond local anesthesia and min-
imal sedation include moderate sedation, deep sedation and general anesthesia. These clinical recom-
mendations review the effectiveness of various moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia
regimens for pain control during abortion; medication regimens used to induce analgesia and anesthesia;
patient factors affecting anesthesia safety; preoperative and intraoperative protocols to reduce anesthesia
risks; personnel qualications for administration; recommended patient monitoring protocols; and gen-
eral risks of anesthesia in the context of abortion care. The scope of these recommendations is based on
limited available evidence and considerably relies on existing professional society guidelines and recom-
mendations developed by content experts and reviewers. Further research to compare the efficacy and
safety of different regimens is needed.
© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Background
Both surgical (also called procedural) and medication abortions
are associated with some pain, and the intensity of pain varies.
With use of verbal support and minimal sedation, discussed in a
separate clinical guideline [1] , Duros et al. [2] report that 46% of
women undergoing surgical abortion experience pain reported as
“severe pain” defined as level 7 and above on a visual analogue
scale. An increasing number of options for moderate sedation, deep
sedation, and general anesthesia to address pain related to surgi-
cal abortion are available [ 3 , 4 ]. In separate national surveys of first-
and second-trimester abortion providers, 79% of first-trimester sur-
gical abortion providers preferred using either a combination of lo-
cal anesthesia and intravenous moderate sedation, deep sedation,
or general anesthesia, and most clinics that offered these options
employed these analgesic options for > 80% of their patients [ 3 , 4 ].
Table 1 provides a general overview of the different levels of
sedation; however, individual patients can experience varying anal-
gesic effects throughout their treatment course (intraoperative and
postoperative), and these effects may differ from the intended re-
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: , [email protected] (C. Cansino).
sults [5] . Providing safe anesthetic regimens requires attention to
patient selection, whether it is the identification of which pa-
tients may receive sedation or which regimen is appropriate for a
given patient, and ensuring that providers and staff are adequately
trained to provide and manage complications of specific anesthetic
regimens. Staff training, adequate monitoring, and preparation for
emergencies are essential to ensure that staff and practice set-
tings are prepared to respond to over-sedation or other anesthesia-
related complications.
In these recommendations, we address several questions about
moderate and deep sedation and general anesthesia for surgical
abortion provided in both out-of-hospital and in-hospital settings.
In developing these recommendations, a search of the medical lit-
erature was performed using the PubMed program of the National
Library of Medicine and the Cochrane Library of Clinical Trials from
the beginning of the databases through April 5, 2021. Search terms
include but were not limited to analgesia, anesthesia, and sedation,
in combination with abortion, gynecology, obstetrics, pregnancy,
and termination. Publications and relevant statements of the Amer-
ican Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), American College
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Society
of Anesthesiologists (ASA), the European Society of Anaesthesiol-
ogy (ESA), the National Abortion Federation (NAF), Planned Par-
enthood Federation of America (PPFA), the Royal College of Obste-
0010-7824/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C. Cansino et al. Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
Table 1
Continuum of depth of sedation (adapted from ASA continuum of depth of sedation: definition of general anesthesia and levels of sedation/analgesia, 2014) [5] .
Levels of sedation DEFINITION drug induced state where:
Minimal sedation (anxiolysis) Patients respond normally to verbal commands. Cognitive function and coordination may be impaired, but
ventilator and cardiovascular (CV) functions are unaffected.
Moderate sedation/analgesia (conscious sedation) Patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation. No
interventions are required to maintain a patient airway,
and spontaneous ventilation is adequate. CV function
is usually maintained.
Deep sedation/analgesia Patients cannot be easily aroused, but respond purposefully following repeated or painful stimulation. The
ability to independently maintain ventilatory function may be impaired. Patients may require assistance in
maintaining a patent airway, and spontaneous ventilation may be inadequate.
CV function is usually
General anesthesia Patients are not arousable, even by painful stimulation. The ability to independently maintain ventilatory
function is often impaired. Patients often require assistance in maintaining a patent airway, and positive
pressure ventilation may be required because of depressed spontaneous ventilation or drug-induced
depression of neuromuscular
function. CV function may be impaired.
Table 2
Recommended dosing for commonly used medications for moderate sedation (National Abortion Federation, 2018) [7] .
Drugs Usual initial dose Maximum initial dose Usual incremental dose Maximum incremental dose
Fentanyl (opioid analgesic) 50 100 mcg 200 mcg 50 100 mcg 100 mcg
Midazolam (benzodiazepine sedative) 1 3 mg 4 mg 1 2 mg 2 mg
tricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), and regulatory guidance from
The Joint Commission were reviewed. These organizations’ publica-
tions were primarily referenced when applicable since their guide-
lines are highly relevant to abortion practice and peer reviewed.
Many clinical settings for abortion services also follow guidelines
issued by these professional organizations.
While some questions have been addressed by well-designed
studies, there are important gaps in the literature; for some ques-
tions, the only available answers come from the standards and
policies of professional organizations or there is limited clear guid-
ance. We have specified these evidence gaps throughout the docu-
ment when applicable.
2. Clinical questions
2.1. What medication regimens are used for moderate sedation, deep
sedation, or general anesthesia?
Different medication regimens may be used to induce seda-
tion (depression of awareness), analgesia (insensibility to pain)
and/or anesthesia (loss of sensation, with or without loss of con-
sciousness). On the ASA continuum of depth of sedation, mod-
erate sedation is not defined by the exact medication used, but
rather by the level of responsiveness and cardiopulmonary func-
tion of each individual patient resulting from a particular regi-
men (specific medication and dose) ( Table 1 ) [ 5 , 6 ]. Typical med-
ications used for moderate sedation include analgesics which may
be given in combination with sedatives to induce varying degrees
of analgesia, sedation, anxiolysis, and amnesia. Doses are titrated
as needed to achieve the desired level of sedation and anesthesia
[ 5 , 6 ]. This desired effect is defined based on agreement between
the provider and patient that incorporates both parties’ expecta-
tions with regard to immobility and analgesia, ultimately lead-
ing to a safe and complete procedure. There is no clear guidance
that prescribes specific regimens for patient-related factors such as
body mass index (BMI), medical comorbidities, sedation goals, an-
ticipated procedure-related pain, and planned procedure length to
determine which regimen to use.
Tables 2 and 3 list common intravenous drugs used to pro-
vide minimal to moderate sedation, respectively outlined by NAF
and PPFA [ 7 , 8 ]. Both NAF and PPFA have policies that regulate
the use and dosing schedules of specific medications used, in-
cluding both the initial dose and recommended intervals for in-
creased titration if the effect is insufficient. There is limited in-
formation comparing these agents based on the specific medica-
tions and doses. Braaten et al. [9] studied the safety and efficacy
of a specific dosing algorithm of intravenous fentanyl and mida-
zolam to standard weight-based dosing per clinic standard, noting
no differences in pain scores. Their algorithm was created based
on the subject’s weight, BMI, airway concerns, drug and alcohol
use, and anxiety scores. Several factors, including but not limited
to medication cost, time of onset of desired effect, duration of
effect and anticipated duration of the procedure, need for exact
titration (e.g., use of an infusion pump for remifentanil admin-
istration), provider preference, and patient-related factors, affect
the chosen drug regimen for administration of moderate sedation
(GRADE 1C) [ 7 , 8 ].
PPFA lists propofol, ketamine, and methohexital as medications
used to induce deeper sedation [8] . The ASA guidelines summa-
rize that methohexital offers satisfactory deep sedation and can be
administered by nonanesthesiologists [6] . However, the guidelines
do not provide detailed information regarding specific dosing regi-
mens for methohexital use [6] . Chestnut’s Obstetric Anesthesia, the
classic textbook on this topic, indicates that propofol is used to in-
duce sedation for monitored anesthesia care as an alternative to
midazolam in surgical abortion [10] . Several cohort studies involv-
ing a total of 64,980 subjects reviewed safe use of deep sedation,
often with propofol [ 11 13 ]. Ketamine can be used as an adjunct
to parenteral opioid analgesia, and concerns for neonatal depres-
sion would not be applicable when used in surgical abortion cases
[10] .
There is limited evidence regarding recommended medications
for general anesthesia specifically for surgical abortion. Williams’
Obstetrics recommends a rapid sequence induction with an in-
travenous anesthetic; either propofol, etomidate or remifentanil;
and rapid-onset muscle relaxant such as ketamine, succinylcholine,
or rocuronium [14] . Wu et al. conducted a randomized controlled
study of women undergoing first-trimester surgical abortion under
general anesthesia with 6 arms: propofol alone, propofol with fen-
tanyl, propofol with fentanyl and midazolam, etomidate alone, eto-
midate with fentanyl, and etomidate with fentanyl and midazolam
[15] . They reported that propofol, compared to etomidate, causes a
C. Cansino et al. Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
Table 3
Commonly used medications for moderate sedation (Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 2018) [8] .
Drugs Maximum recommended
single dose
Onset of action Duration Comments
Fentanyl (opioid analgesic) 1 2 mcg/kg IV Almost immediate 0.5 1 h May be repeated once
Nalbuphine (opioid analgesic) 10 20 mg IV/IM 2 3 min IV < 15 min IM 3 6 h
- May be repeated once
Allow 3 4 min between doses to assess effect
previously administered dose
- Do not use following other narcotic analgesics
(includes maintenance therapies such as
methadone or suspected narcotic use) will
reverse effect of nalbuphine and can induce
symptoms of opioid withdrawal
Meperidine (opioid analgesic) 50 100 mg IM/SQ 10 15 min 2 4 h
- May
give every 3 4 h
- Avoid concomitant use with benzodiazepines
or other CNS depressants
Midazolam (benzodiazepine
2.5 mg 3 5 min < 2h Initial dose 1 2.5 mg
Administer slowly with 2 3 min between doses
to assess effect of previously administered dose.
May repeat in
1 mg doses not to exceed a total of
5 mg to maintain desired depth of sedation
PPFA affiliates are directed to develop their own local formulary.
greater decrease in mean arterial pressure and pulse oxygen satu-
ration during induction. Side effects such as myoclonus and post-
operative nausea and vomiting were less likely to occur among
those who received propofol compared to etomidate. Among those
who received etomidate, subjects who received a decreased dose
of etomidate and supplemented with fentanyl and midazolam, the
side effects were less likely to occur. In separate studies, Lazenby
[16] and Micks [17] note that general anesthesia in surgical abor-
tion may include intravenous fentanyl, intravenous midazolam, in-
haled nitrous oxide, intravenous propofol, and/or inhaled anesthet-
ics. Chestnut’s Obstetric Anesthesia states that general anesthesia
for dilation and evacuation is commonly administered with propo-
fol infusion and an opioid; ketamine may be preferred in patients
with significant bleeding [10] .
2.2. How effective are moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general
anesthesia for pain control during abortion procedures?
Moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia are
effective in controlling pain during abortion procedures. Analgesic
options for first- and second-trimester surgical abortion are similar
based on patient preference and comorbidities, regardless of gesta-
tional age [ 3 , 4 , 18 ]. Most published research on the efficacy of anal-
gesic options beyond minimal sedation has focused on moderate
sedation for first-trimester abortions. Allen et al. [19] conducted a
randomized controlled trial with an equivalence design noting that
oral sedation with 10 mg of oxycodone and 1 mg of lorazepam is
not equivalent to intravenous sedation with 100 mcg of fentanyl
and 2 mg of midazolam. The National Guidance Alliance hosted by
RCOG completed a comprehensive review of the literature and rec-
ommends intravenous over oral administration if “conscious” se-
dation is used [18] . While moderate sedation, deep sedation, and
general anesthesia are more commonly used for second-trimester
than for first-trimester surgical abortion [20] , we could find no
randomized trials of moderate sedation in second-trimester surgi-
cal abortion to assess comparative effectiveness of different anes-
thetic regimens or against placebo. There are limited data compar-
ing the efficacy of deep sedation vs general anesthesia for surgical
abortion at specific gestational ages.
A combination of fentanyl and midazolam is effective in reduc-
ing pain associated with first-trimester surgical abortion (GRADE
1B) [ 21 24 ]. According to a systematic review by Renner et al.
[21] that only included randomized trials, moderate sedation de-
creases procedure-related and postoperative pain in first-trimester
surgical abortion. In 2001, Rawling and Wiebe [22] compared in-
travenous fentanyl 50–100 mcg to intravenous placebo (normal
saline) in women undergoing first-trimester surgical abortion who
also received cervical anesthesia and sublingual lorazepam and to
women who received no intravenous treatment at all. Women who
received fentanyl had lower pain scores than those who received
placebo (mean 4.3 vs 5.3 on a 10-point scale, with a mean differ-
ence of 1.0, 95% CI 0.4, 1.6). Wong et al. [23] studied the analgesic
effects of sedation using intravenous midazolam 2 mg and fentanyl
25 mcg compared with placebo among women undergoing first-
trimester surgical abortion. They found no significant difference in
pain between groups, but those who received IV sedation reported
better satisfaction (50% IV sedation vs 20% placebo reported satis-
factory or excellent satisfaction, p = 0.003).
A study by Allen et al. [24] was not included in the above-
mentioned systematic review because it was not randomized. In
this study, 330 women undergoing first-trimester surgical abortion
chose among 3 options for pain management: cervical anesthe-
sia alone ( n = 105), cervical anesthesia plus sublingual lorazepam
(0.5–1.0 mg orally 20 minutes before surgery) ( n = 106), or cer-
vical anesthesia plus intravenous sedation with fentanyl (doses of
50–125 mcg) and midazolam (1–2 mg) ( n = 119). The investigators
reported that subjects who received the combination of cervical
anesthesia and intravenous sedation with fentanyl and midazolam
had the lowest pain scores (reduction in pain score of 0.86, 95%
CI 0.25 1.46). They found no significant difference in mean pain
scores between those who received cervical anesthesia with sub-
lingual lorazepam compared to those who received cervical anes-
thesia alone (6.78 vs 6.22). When they divided the intravenous se-
dation group into low-dose (50 mcg fentanyl and 1 mg midazo-
lam) and moderate-dose (75–125 mcg fentanyl and/or 1.5–2.0 mg
midazolam) groups, mean pain scores from those who received the
moderate dose were significantly lower compared to those who re-
ceived the low-dose regimen (4.93 vs 6.18, p 0.001).
2.3. What preprocedure patient evaluation or patient preparation is
necessary for moderate sedation, deep sedation, or general
Patient evaluation and preparation for the intended level of se-
dation is primarily based on the patient’s surgical risk and the fa-
cility’s ability to manage anesthesia-related complications, includ-
C. Cansino et al. Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
ing unintended depth of sedation. Given the multifactorial interac-
tion of medical comorbidities and anesthesia complications, rec-
ommendations for appropriate preprocedure evaluation are pri-
marily derived from expert opinion rather than high-quality trials.
While there is no clear consensus on specific preprocedure patient
evaluation or patient preparation that is necessary prior to moder-
ate sedation, deep sedation, or general anesthesia, professional so-
cieties do recommend that an assessment be performed, especially
among patients with co-morbidities (Grade 1C) [ 7 , 8 , 25 27 ].
There is suggestive evidence that some preexisting medical con-
ditions may be related to adverse outcomes in patients receiving
either moderate or deep sedation analgesia [27] . Consultants to
the ASA Task Force, considered experts in preanesthesia evalua-
tion, noted that a preanesthetic history and physical examination
is “essential,” citing benefits that include but are not limited to
the safety of perioperative care, optimal resource use, improved
outcomes, and patient satisfaction. However, an ASA Task Force
of anesthesiologists and methodologists from the ASA Committee
on Standards and Practice Parameters concluded that there is in-
sufficient published evidence to evaluate the relationship between
sedation-analgesia outcomes and the performance of a preproce-
dure evaluation.
The recommendations of the Task Force include “being familiar
with the sedation-oriented aspects of the patient’s medical history,
and a focused physical examination including vital signs, auscul-
tation of the heart and lungs, and evaluation of the airway” [27] .
Common comorbidities that may influence anesthesia safety in-
clude hypertension, particularly systolic blood pressure over 200
mm Hg [28] ; pulmonary disease, including smoking, obstructive
sleep apnea [29] , and poorly controlled asthma [30] ; poorly con-
trolled diabetes [31] ; renal disease [32] ; and anemia [33] , particu-
larly in procedures with higher risk of blood loss and transfusion
[33] . Substance use may also influence the recommended anes-
thesia regimen [34] . Several studies report safe use of moderate
or deep sedation among obese women (combined total 5517 sub-
jects with BMI 40kg/m
, 871 of who have BMI 40 kg/m
[35,36] . In addition to auscultation of the heart and lungs during
the preoperative examination, the patient’s airway should be as-
sessed for features associated with possible difficult airway man-
agement, including obstructive sleep apnea, previous head/neck ra-
diation, surgery or trauma, small mouth opening, dysmorphic fa-
cial features, lack of teeth, or BMI > 26 kg/m
[ 8 , 27 , 37 ]. The Mal-
lampati classification system is 1 standardized way of evaluating
the airway of patients receiving moderate/deep sedation or gen-
eral anesthesia to identify patients in whom tracheal intubation
would be difficult, serving as the most accurate precautionary as-
sessment of patients who are more likely to require rescue intuba-
tion [ 38 , 39 ]. However, we found no articles specifically describing
its use to screen patients for safe out-of-hospital ambulatory sur-
gical abortions; hence, neither NAF nor PPFA make a specific rec-
ommendation on how airway assessment is conducted [ 7 , 8 ].
No specific standard preprocedure laboratory tests were ad-
vised, but the Task Force recommended that preprocedure labora-
tory tests be guided by the patient’s underlying medical condition
and the likelihood that the results will affect the management of
sedation/analgesia. ACOG guidelines similarly recommend a preop-
erative medical history, a physical examination, and a patient as-
sessment using the ASA continuum of depth of sedation; no dis-
tinction between inpatient vs outpatient or ambulatory care set-
ting was described [25] . Both NAF and PPFA clinical guidelines for
moderate sedation require a presedation evaluation of the patient
to include relevant history and review of systems, medication re-
view, last food intake, baseline vital signs, and targeted exam of
the heart, lungs, and airway (GRADE 1C) [ 7 , 8 ].
2.4. Which patients are typically not appropriate for management in
out-of-hospital ambulatory care facilities with moderate sedation,
deep sedation, or general anesthesia? Which patient factors influence
patient safety during anesthesia?
For individuals who want or need pain control during surgical
abortion, the risks of anesthesia administration must be weighed
against the analgesic benefits. Several factors may influence the
decision of whether a patient is an appropriate candidate for out-
of-hospital anesthesia, including provider preference (whether the
surgeon or anesthesia provider), distance from nearest hospital
that can accommodate postabortion complications, and most im-
portantly, the patient’s surgical risk based on their comorbidi-
ties and the facility’s ability to manage potential complications
secondary to these comorbidities (GRADE 1C) [ 7 , 8 ]. There is no
evidence-based standard regarding patient selection for abortion
care in out-of-hospital ambulatory care facilities based on appro-
priateness for level of intended sedation. However, the NAF Clini-
cal Policy Guidelines do stipulate that patients who have an “atyp-
ical airway assessment” or categorized as ASA Class III or greater
should be offered “a reduced level of sedation, an alternate abor-
tion procedure, or provision of care by an anesthesia professional”
The ASA physical status classification system can be used as a
guide to assess a patient’s procedure-related risk (GRADE 2C) [40] .
Classifications range from completely healthy patients (ASA Class l)
to brain-dead (ASA Class VI) ( Table 4 ). Pregnancy of any duration
is sufficient to place the patient in ASA Class II, which includes
patients with mild systemic disease, due to associated physiologic
changes in pregnancy such as relative hypoxia and other metabolic
changes that may alter responses to medications. However, the ASA
classification system by itself cannot adequately describe patient
risk from surgery because it does not specify type of anesthesia
and lacks a risk index for the surgery itself. Anesthesia risk and
surgical risks may be additive and should be evaluated together
(GRADE 2B) [41] .
To assess risk in relation to care setting, Guiahi et al. [42] eval-
uated whether women with 1 or more chronic medical conditions
[asthma (45%); hypertension (19%); hypothyroidism (7%); epilepsy
(6%); diabetes, HIV, hematologic disorders ( < 5% combined); BMI
> 40 ( < 1%)] who were seeking first-trimester surgical abortion
were at greater risk for complications in the office setting com-
pared to their healthy peers. These patients were classified as ASA
class II, with the addition of 16 patients classified as ASA Class III
only for BMI > 40 kg/m
. No difference in anesthetic-related com-
plications was noted in the 2 groups (0 complications in either
group, with a total of 176 who received moderate sedation).
Thirty-nine patients in the study were managed in the inpa-
tient setting for classification as ASA class III or IV or for whom
the abortion provider was concerned about increased risk for com-
plications based on pregnancy characteristics or reproductive his-
tories. Four of these 39 patients who had inpatient abortions had a
complication, none of these complications were anesthesia-related,
and the authors found that patients who underwent inpatient pro-
cedures with comorbidities that met classification criteria for ASA
Class III or IV were not more likely to experience a complica-
tion than those without comorbidities. Results from Guiahi’s study
imply that most women classified as ASA II for comorbidities in
addition to pregnancy can safely undergo first-trimester abortion
in an ambulatory care setting. The authors also concluded that
providers in the study were able to appropriately identify patients
who should be managed in an inpatient setting based either on
medical history or pregnancy-related factors.
C. Cansino et al. Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
Table 4
ASA physical status classification current definitions and examples
[40] .
ASA physical status
Definition Examples, including, but not limited to:
ASA I A normal healthy patient Healthy, nonsmoking, no or minimal alcohol use
ASA II A patient with mild systemic Disease Mild diseases only without substantive functional limitations. Examples include (but
are not limited to): current smoker, social alcohol drinker, pregnancy, obesity
(30 < BMI < 40), well- controlled diabetes (DM)/hypertension
(HTN), mild lung
ASA III A patient with severe systemic disease Substantive functional limitations; 1 or more moderate to severe diseases. Examples
include (but are not limited to): poorly controlled DM or HTN, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), morbid obesity (BMI 40), active hepatitis, alcohol
dependence or abuse, implanted pacemaker, moderate reduction of ejection
fraction, end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
undergoing regularly scheduled dialysis,
premature infant postconceptual age < 60 weeks, history ( > 3 months) of
myocardial infarction (MI), cerebrovascular accident (CVA), transient ischemic
attack (TIA), or coronary artery disease (CAD)/stents.
ASA IV A patient with severe systemic disease that is
a constant threat to life
Examples include (but
are not limited to): recent ( < 3 months) MI, CVA, TIA, or
CAD/stents, ongoing cardiac ischemia or severe valve dysfunction, severe reduction
of ejection fraction, sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute
respiratory distress or ESRD not undergoing regularly scheduled dialysis.
ASA V A moribund patient who is not expected to
without the operation
Examples include (but are not limited to): ruptured abdominal/thoracic aneurysm,
massive trauma, intracranial bleed with mass effect, ischemic bowel in the face of
significant cardiac pathology or multiple organ/system dysfunction.
ASA VI A declared brain-dead patient whose organs
are being removed for donor purposes
The addition of “E” denotes emergency surgery. (An emergency is defined as existing when delay in treatment of the patient would lead to a significant increase in the
threat to life or body part.)
Table 5
Types of anesthesia providers.
Anesthesia professional includes anesthesiologist, certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) or anesthesiologist assistant (AA).
Nonanesthesiologist sedation practitioners - licensed physicians who have not completed postgraduate training in anesthesiology but are specifically trained to
administer moderate sedation.
Supervised sedation professionals includes licensed registered nurses, advanced practice nurses, and physician assistants.
2.5. What qualifications must providers have to safely administer
moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthesia? What
policies and standards are available?
Employing qualified personnel and ensuring continued com-
petency to administer the planned anesthetic regimen is imper-
ative for providing safe care. There are several types of health
care providers who may be involved in providing anesthesia care
( Table 5 ). The ASA recommends that health care organizations re-
quire nonanesthesiologist sedation practitioners to meet specific
standards before granting privileges to administer moderate seda-
tion through education, training, and licensure (GRADE 1C) [43] .
These requirements include: (1) satisfactory completion of formal
education and training on administration of moderation sedation
and rescue from over-sedation referring to a state beyond the in-
tended effect, (2) current active medical licensure, (3) evaluation
of the practitioner’s practice pattern, and (4) active participation
in a program for performance improvement. The ASA does not fur-
ther specify any particular evaluation process or program for per-
formance improvement.
Supervised sedation professionals can administer and monitor
moderate sedation when under the supervision of an anesthesia
professional or nonanesthesiologist sedation practitioner. These su-
pervised sedation professionals must meet similar licensing and
competency-training requirements. Methods to assess competency
can be individualized for each organization, ensuring satisfactory
completion of a program that teaches the safe administration of
medications used to establish a level of moderate sedation and the
rescue of patients who exhibit a level of sedation that is deeper
than intended.
Certified registered nurse anesthetists are independently li-
censed anesthesia professionals who plan and deliver anesthesia,
including moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general anesthe-
sia [ 44 , 45 ]. The medical and nursing practice of CRNAs is further
governed by institutional, state, and federal restrictions with re-
gard to the required level of supervision needed, if any [45] . Given
the continuum of depth of sedation, nonanesthesiologist physi-
cians who administer deep sedation must be qualified and trained
specifically in providing this level of sedation. In addition, they
should be similarly qualified to recognize the need for rescue and
be adept at rescuing a patient from unintended general anesthe-
sia. They can neither delegate the administration or monitoring
of deep sedation to individuals who are not similarly qualified,
nor supervise such individuals in performing the administration or
monitoring of deep sedation. Furthermore, they must be dedicated
solely to administering and monitoring deep sedation; they cannot
participate in or perform the diagnostic or therapeutic procedure
for which the sedation is being administered (GRADE 1C) [ 46 , 47 ].
Among individuals whose deep sedation progresses to unin-
tended general anesthesia, such care should be provided, medically
directed, or supervised by an anesthesiologist, the operating practi-
tioner, or another licensed physician with specific training in seda-
tion, anesthesia, and rescue techniques related to general anesthe-
sia (GRADE 1C) [46] . Otherwise, routine general anesthesia should
only be administered by anesthesia professionals (i.e., anesthesiol-
ogists, nurse anesthetists, and certified anesthesiologist assistants)
Most institutional policies follow ASA personnel standards [ 7 , 8 ].
Abortion care practices must adopt pertinent policies that are con-
sistent with the care setting, whether they are hospital-based or
free-standing sites. These policies frequently align with those set
by NAF or PPFA [ 7 , 8 ]. In addition, state laws may regulate whether
or not authorization from an accrediting body such as The Joint
Commission must be obtained to secure permission for health care
organizations to provide such sedation and analgesia procedures.
C. Cansino et al. Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
2.6. What monitoring is required for moderate sedation, deep
sedation, or general anesthesia?
The ASA recommends monitoring the patient’s level of con-
sciousness for both moderate and deep sedation. While there is
no clear evidence on whether monitoring improves patient out-
comes or decreases risk, Task Force consultants who authored ASA
guidelines “strongly agree that monitoring level of consciousness
reduces risks for both moderate and deep sedation” (GRADE 1C)
[6] .
The ASA requires that all patients undergoing sedation or anal-
gesia be monitored by pulse oximetry with appropriate alarms in
order to detect “oxygen desaturation and hypoxemia in patients
who are administered sedatives/analgesics” (GRADE 1C) [6] .Inad-
dition, ventilatory function should be continually monitored by ob-
servation or auscultation. Pulse oximetry detects hypoxia, but not
hypercarbia; hypercarbia is an earlier sign of inadequate ventila-
tion compared to hypoxia (GRADE 1C) [6] . The ASA also recom-
mends that monitoring of exhaled carbon dioxide should be con-
sidered for all patients receiving deep sedation and for patients
receiving moderate sedation whose ventilation cannot be directly
observed (GRADE 1C).
In addition, the Task Force recommends that vital signs
are monitored at 5-minute intervals “once a stable level of
sedation is established” during moderate and deep sedation
However, Wilson et al. [48] reported no anesthesia-related com-
plications when monitoring patients at 10-minute intervals, sug-
gesting that a longer interval between measurements may be suf-
ficient among low-risk surgical patients. Electrocardiographic mon-
itoring should be used for all undergoing deep sedation and se-
lect patients undergoing moderate sedation, such as those with
significant cardiovascular disease or a history of dysrhythmia [6] .
ASA recommends that the frequency of recording the patient’s
functional status (level of consciousness, ventilator and oxygena-
tion status, and hemodynamic parameters) depends on the type
and amount of medication administered, procedure length, and the
general condition of the patient. Minimum time points of assess-
ment include: (1) before the procedure, (2) after administration
of sedatives/analgesics, (3) regular intervals during the procedure,
(4) during initial recovery, (5) prior to discharge from the facility
2.7. What are the anesthesia-related side effects and risks associated
with moderate/deep sedation and general anesthesia? What
equipment is necessary to manage these risks?
Side effects associated with anesthesia regimens range from
mild to life-threatening. Nausea and vomiting are common side ef-
fects from several anesthesia medications; pruritus is commonly
associated with opioid use; and paradoxical agitation can occur
with benzodiazepine use, even with recommended doses.
More serious adverse events are also possible with specific
anesthesia agents. When opioids and benzodiazepines are used
in combination, their sedative effects may be additive [6] . Older
halogenated agents, such as halothane or isoflurane, are associated
with increased blood loss due to uterine relaxation and a higher
risk of blood transfusion when used for general anesthesia during
cesarean delivery [ 49 52 ]. However, these inhaled agents are now
rarely used. Micks et al. [17] studied the effects of sevoflurane, a
newer halogenated agent, among women undergoing surgical abor-
tion with general anesthesia and did not find an increased risk of
interventions to address bleeding; however, the study was under-
powered to detect clinically important differences and no clear rec-
ommendation can be made regarding the safety profile of newer
halogenated agents. RCOG recommends use of a short-acting opi-
oid in addition to propofol for general anesthesia rather than in-
halational agents [18] . It does not distinguish sevoflurane from
other inhalational agents since all of these agents cause uterine re-
laxation which is the likely cause of increased blood loss.
In addition to increased bleeding and the inadvertent adminis-
tration of a greater depth of anesthesia than intended, other signif-
icant anesthesia-related complications associated with the admin-
istration of moderate/deep sedation and general anesthesia include
cardiovascular decompensation, cerebral hypoxia and death
. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported anesthesia-
related abortion mortality in the United States for 1998 to 2010,
though no information on clinical setting was provided [53] . With
approximately 16.1 million abortion procedures, 108 deaths oc-
curred (mortality rate of 0.7 per 10 0,0 0 0 procedures), with 22
deaths (20% of the total) attributed to anesthesia complications.
Among 28 deaths after surgical abortion at 13 weeks’ gestation
or less, anesthesia complications were the most common cause
( n = 13). Rates of death with different types of anesthesia were not
reported, so it is not possible to estimate whether death was more
likely with sedation or general anesthesia than with local anesthe-
sia only. In the systematic review of first-trimester surgical abor-
tion by White et al., the authors noted 0.02% anesthesia-related
complications among procedures that occurred in office-based set-
tings and < 0.5% of procedures that occurred in surgical centers and
hospitals; no deaths were reported [54] .
The ASA Task Force and consultants agree that ready availabil-
ity of appropriately sized emergency equipment reduces the risks
of both moderate and deep sedation ( Table 6 ) [6] . The ASA does
not specify any distinction in medications or equipment necessary
for moderate sedation, and deep sedation, or general anesthesia. It
does advise that for moderate sedation, a defibrillator should be
immediately available for patients with mild (e.g., hypertension) or
severe cardiovascular disease (e.g., ischemia, congestive failure). A
defibrillator should be available for all patients receiving deep se-
dation (Grade 1C).
The ASA states that the literature supports the use of sup-
plemental oxygen during moderate sedation and suggests that it
should be used during deep sedation to reduce the frequency of
hypoxia (GRADE 1C) [6] . If hypoxemia is anticipated or develops
during sedation or analgesia, supplemental oxygen should be ad-
ministered. The ASA concludes that “supplemental oxygen should
be considered for moderate sedation and should be administered
during deep sedation unless specifically contraindicated for a par-
ticular patient or procedure.”
requires functioning equipment and current medications to
be available on-site for medical emergencies, including an oxygen
delivery system, oral airways, epinephrine, antihistamines, appro-
priate antagonists for benzodiazepines and opioids (if used), bron-
chodilators, and bag-valve masks capable of delivering supplemen-
tal oxygen [7] . An automatic external defibrillator should be avail-
able at sites where deep sedation and general anesthesia are used.
NAF guidelines require the use of supplemental oxygen with deep
sedation and general anesthesia.
2.8. What postsedation care is needed for moderate sedation, deep
sedation, or general anesthesia?
Anesthesia-related complications and deaths may result from
inadequate postanesthesia monitoring, emphasizing the impor-
tance of vigilant postanesthesia care [ 55 , 56 ]. The ASA recommends
that “all patients should be observed in an appropriately staffed
and equipped area ( Table 6 ) until they are near their baseline
level of consciousness and are no longer at increased risk for car-
diorespiratory depression” (GRADE 1C) [6] . Clinical question #5
and Table 6 respectively review suggested and required staffing
and equipment. Postsedation goals and monitoring are similar for
patients receiving moderate sedation, deep sedation, and general
C. Cansino et al. Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
Table 6
Recommended emergency equipment for sedation and analgesia [6] .
Intravenous equipment Gloves
Alcohol wipes
Sterile gauze pads
Intravenous catheters
Intravenous tubing
Intravenous fluid
Assorted needles for drug aspiration, intramuscular injection
Appropriately sized syringes
Basic airway management equipment Source of compressed oxygen (tank with regulator or pipeline supply with flowmeter)
Source of suction
Suction catheters
Yankauer-type suction
Face masks
Self-inflating breathing bag-valve set
Oral and nasal airways
Advanced airway management equipment
(for practitioners with intubation skills)
Laryngeal mask airways
Laryngoscope handles
Laryngoscope blades
Endotracheal tubes (cuffed 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 mm ID)
Stylet (appropriately sized for endotracheal tubes)
Pharmacologic antagonists Naloxone
Emergency medications Epinephrine
(tablets or spray)
Glucose, 50%
Hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone or dexamethasone
Diazepam or midazolam
Appropriate medications and equipment, including a defibrillator, should be available whenever drug regimens to induce cardiorespira-
tory depression are administered. The list is a guide that can be tailored to individual practice needs.
anesthesia (GRADE 1C). Until subjects return to their baseline level
of consciousness, oxygenation should be monitored periodically
during this period when they continue to be at risk for hypoxemia.
Ventilation and circulation should be monitored at regular inter-
vals until patients are suitable for discharge.” There are no further
details available regarding recommended expertise among recovery
room staff, staffing ratios, or equipment, and the Task Force con-
cluded that there was insufficient literature to examine the impact
of postprocedure monitoring on patient outcomes.
2.9. Does deep sedation or general anesthesia during abortion
procedures require routine endotracheal intubation?
Given concerns about a theoretically increased risk of aspiration
in pregnant patients, there have been a number of studies investi-
gating whether endotracheal intubation is necessary for safety dur-
ing surgical abortion. These descriptive studies note that low-risk
patients who undergo first and second-trimester surgical abortion
may safely receive moderate or deep sedation without routine en-
dotracheal intubation (GRADE 1C) [ 11 , 12 , 36 ]. We could find no spe-
cific ASA recommendation of routine intubation of patients in the
first or second trimester for deep sedation or general anesthesia.
Mancuso et al. [13] performed a retrospective chart review of
deep sedation, most commonly using propofol and fentanyl, among
women undergoing surgical abortion between 15- and 24-weeks’
gestation in an operating room setting. Among 332 subjects, 9
(2.7%) were routinely intubated and 5 (1.5%) were converted intra-
operatively. The majority of subjects either maintained their natu-
ral airway ( n = 313, 94.3%) or were supported by laryngeal mask
( n = 5, 1.5%). There were no reported cases of pulmonary aspira-
A retrospective study conducted by Dean et al. [12] examined
the safety of deep sedation without intubation in a free-standing
abortion clinic by reporting on the experience of 62,125 patients,
including 11,0 39 having an abortion in the second trimester up to
24 0/7 weeks’ gestation. Potential subjects were excluded based
on the following criteria: BMI > 40 kg/m
, uncontrolled hyper-
thyroidism, poorly controlled diabetes, hypertension suggestive of
imminent stroke, acute active hepatitis, poorly controlled seizure
disorders, known respiratory compromise or poorly controlled
asthma, or other acute or chronic medical conditions “judged to
pose significant or life-threatening risk.” Subjects were also ex-
cluded if they had eaten solid food less than 8 hours before
surgery or clear liquids less than 2 hours before surgery. There
were no cases of pulmonary aspiration identified; only 1 case was
converted to endotracheal intubation. Sixteen subjects were trans-
ferred to the hospital, but none were transferred for anesthesia-
related problems. Based on the upper 95% confidence interval for
their sample, the authors calculate the theoretical risk for aspira-
tion at up to 1 in 21,0 0 0 abortions overall, and up to 1 in 3,700
second-trimester procedures.
While Dean et al. excluded obese women, Gokhale et al. [36] re-
ported their experience in providing IV moderate and deep se-
dation without endotracheal intubation in the outpatient setting
among 5,579 obese and nonobese women undergoing first- and
second-trimester abortion up to 22 6/7 weeks’ gestation. Subjects
elected their anesthetic regimen which included IV fentanyl and
midazolam or IV propofol with or without fentanyl or midazo-
lam; methohexital or meperidine were administered in rare cir-
C. Cansino et al. Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
cumstances when other drugs were temporarily unavailable or in
short supply. All women undergoing IV sedation without propo-
fol were restricted from solid food for 8 hours prior to the proce-
dure and from all oral intake for 4 hours prior to the procedure;
those who received propofol were advised against all oral intake
starting at midnight before the procedure. Intra- and postopera-
tive monitoring were performed based on ASA guidelines. There
were no patients who experienced any pulmonary complications
or anesthesia-related adverse events. Based on the upper 95% CI
for the sample size, the authors calculated the maximal risk of an
anesthesia-related complication is 1 in 1860 procedures.
2.10. Is fasting necessary before moderate or deep sedation for
abortion in ambulatory care settings?
Fasting is traditionally recommended for a specified interval be-
fore elective surgical procedures to reduce the risk of aspiration of
gastric contents. The ASA recommends fasting for at least 2 hours
after intake of clear liquids before elective procedures requiring
general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, or procedural sedation or
analgesia, as well as fasting for at least 6 hours after a light meal,
and fasting for 8 hours or longer after a meal that includes fried
foods, fatty foods or meat [26] . No distinction is made between
moderate sedation, deep sedation, or general anesthesia. The ESA
recommends fasting for at least 2 hours from clear liquids and 6
hours from solid food [57] . Despite ASA and ESA recommendations
regarding fasting guidelines for the general surgical population, ob-
servational studies on women undergoing surgical abortion suggest
no risk of aspiration among nonfasting patients [ 48 , 58 ].
A Cochrane review found 38 randomized comparisons in 22
published trials, primarily in healthy nonpregnant adults not con-
sidered at increased risk of aspiration [59] . These studies compared
the standard fasting protocol of nil per os (NPO) from midnight
until surgery vs drinking water, clear liquid, or isotonic drinks un-
til 90–180 minutes before anesthesia. The multiple studies investi-
gated gastric volume and acidity as surrogate markers for aspira-
tion, since more reliable measures are not available and aspiration
is a rare occurrence. There was no difference in outcomes between
the fasting group and those allowed to drink any of the liquids, ex-
cept gastric volume was less among the group permitted to drink
water. Given the mass effect of the gravid uterus and the effect
of progesterone on the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract,
there is theoretical concern about the increased risk of aspiration
in pregnant individuals given changes in gastric volume. To explore
whether pregnancy is associated with increased gastric volume,
Aksel et al. [60] used ultrasound to measure the cross-sectional
area of the gastric antrum in nonpregnant women compared to
those in the second trimester and third trimester of pregnancy; the
fasting status of subjects were not stated. They concluded that the
observed differences in residual gastric volume were unlikely to be
great enough to cause aspiration.
Two cohort studies have specifically addressed whether allow-
ing oral intake before sedation for surgical abortion conferred in-
creased risk for aspiration. Wilson et al. [48] report a retrospec-
tive review of 1,433 patients who had a surgical abortion at up
to 18 weeks’ gestation with intravenous fentanyl with or with-
out midazolam. Although the investigators excluded women with
active cardiac or respiratory disease, they did not exclude those
who were obese or were considered to have a difficult airway.
Oral intake was not restricted before or after the procedure, and
women were intentionally encouraged to eat to prevent nausea
and vomiting with the preoperative oral antibiotic. There were no
cases of aspiration. Four adverse events were recorded, none re-
lated to sedation. Wiebe et al. [58] completed a retrospective chart
review of 47,748 women who had a surgical abortion up to 18
weeks’ gestation (mean 8.8 weeks) at 1 of 2 free-standing abor-
tion clinics between 2003 and 2010. The clinics routinely asked
patients to eat a light meal, such as toast, before coming to the
clinic. The patients all received intravenous fentanyl and midazo-
lam with cervical anesthesia. The investigators reported no imme-
diate anesthesia-related complications.
Based on these 3 studies by each of the research teams of Ak-
sel, Wilson and Wiebe, NAF recommends that “[f]or patients re-
ceiving moderation sedation who are not at increased risk of as-
piration, time from last meal should not limit access to abortion
care”; no specific recommendations are provided [7] . Based on the
Wiebe study, PPFA recommends fasting from solid food (including
pulp juices and milk products) for at least at 6 hours and clear liq-
uids for at least at 2 hours prior to sedation [8] . RCOG guidance
on anesthesia and sedation for surgical abortion specifically opted
against making recommendations related to fasting requirements
and simply acknowledge existence of the 2011 guidance from ESA
[18] . Although research on aspiration risk in pregnancy and during
abortion procedures continues to evolve, there is currently insuf-
ficient direct evidence to universally recommend or forgo fasting
guidelines prior to abortion procedures.
3. Clinical recommendations
Please see Appendix 1 for a key to interpreting GRADE.
The following recommendations are based primarily on
moderate- or low-quality scientific evidence:
A combination of intravenous fentanyl and midazolam is ef-
fective in reducing pain associated with first-trimester surgical
abortion (GRADE 1B).
Patients receiving sedation and analgesia should be monitored
by pulse oximetry both during and after surgery to detect oxy-
gen desaturation and hypoxemia (GRADE 1C).
The ventilatory function of patients receiving sedation and
analgesia should be continually monitored by observation or
auscultation (GRADE 1C).
The ASA classification system can be used as a guide to assess
a patient’s procedure-related risk (GRADE 2C).
Supplemental oxygen should be used to decrease the frequency
of hypoxia. Its use should be considered when administering
moderate sedation and recommended when administering deep
sedation unless specifically contraindicated for a particular pa-
tient (GRADE 1C).
Low-risk patients undergoing surgical abortion in the first and
second trimester may safely receive moderate or deep sedation
without routine endotracheal intubation (GRADE 1C).
The following recommendations are based primarily on consen-
sus and expert opinion.
General anesthesia for dilation and evacuation is commonly ad-
ministered with a propofol infusion and an opioid (GRADE 1C).
Preoperative assessment should include a review of the preop-
erative medical history; review of systems; physical examina-
tion with measurement of vital signs, airway assessment, and
cardiovascular exam; patient’s analgesic and sedation goals cor-
responding to the anticipated procedure-related pain (GRADE
Several factors may influence the decision of whether a patient
is an appropriate candidate for out-of-hospital anesthesia, in-
cluding provider preference (whether the surgeon or anesthesia
provider), distance from nearest hospital that can accommodate
postabortion complications, and most importantly, the patient’s
surgical risk based on her comorbidities and the facility’s ability
to manage potential complications secondary to these comor-
bidities (GRADE 1C).
C. Cansino et al. Contraception 104 (2021) 583–592
Among individuals whose deep sedation progresses to unin-
tended general anesthesia, such care should be provided, med-
ically directed, or supervised by an anesthesiologist, the oper-
ating practitioner, or another licensed physician with specific
training in sedation, anesthesia, and rescue techniques related
to general anesthesia (GRADE 1C). Otherwise, routine general
anesthesia should only be administered by anesthesia profes-
sionals (i.e., anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, and certified
anesthesiologist assistants) (GRADE 1C).
Postsedation care requires patient monitoring until the patient
resumes near baseline level of consciousness (GRADE 1C).
4. Recommendations for future research
Comparative efficacy of medication regimens in first- and
second-trimester surgical abortion, especially in light of drug
Comparative safety of medication regimens with regard to in-
ducing deeper sedation than intended and adverse events such
as pulmonary aspiration, unanticipated intubation, and hospital
Bleeding parameters associated with administration of newer
halogenated agents used for general anesthesia.
Efficacy and safety of analgesic options for obese individuals
and patients with other significant medical comorbidities.
5. Sources
A series of clinical questions was developed by the authors and
reviewed by the Executive Board of the Society of Family Plan-
ning and Clinical Affairs Subcommittee. A search of the medical
literature was performed using the PubMed program of the Na-
tional Library of Medicine and the Cochrane Library of Clinical Tri-
als from the beginning of the databases through October 16, 2019.
Search terms include but were not limited to analgesia, anesthesia,
and sedation, in combination with abortion, gynecology, obstetrics,
pregnancy, and termination. Publications and relevant statements
of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the American College
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the European Society of Anaes-
thesiology, the National Abortion Federation, Planned Parenthood
Federation of America, and the Royal College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists, and regulatory guidance from The Joint Commis-
sion were reviewed. A comprehensive systematic review was not
6. Intended audience
Providers of abortion services in ambulatory settings. This
set of recommendations should guide clinicians in their medical
decision-making, although it is not intended to dictate clinical care.
Author Contributions
These recommendations were prepared by Catherine Cansino,
MD, MPH; Phillip Stubblefield, MD; Colleen Denny, MD; and Sue
Carlisle, PhD, MD, and were reviewed and approved by the Board
of the Society of Family Planning.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors and SFP board members have no conflicts of in-
terest to report. The Society of Family Planning receives no direct
support from pharmaceutical companies or other industries for the
production of clinical recommendations.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Supplementary materials
Supplementary material associated with this article can be
found, in the online version, at doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2021.08.
007 .
Appendix A. Key for Recommendations Summary
Recommendations key.
Symbol Meaning
1 Strong recommendation
2 Weaker recommendation
A High quality evidence
B Moderate quality evidence
C Low quality evidence, clinical experience, or expert consensus
a Society of Family Planning clinical recommendations use a modified
GRADE system. The GRADE system is described in several publications, with a
comprehensive set of articles in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (J Clin Epi-
demiology, (2011) 64:383-394, 64:395-400, 64:401-406, 64:407-415, 64:1277-
1282, 64:1283-1293, 64:1294-1302, 64:1303-1312, 64:1311-1316, (2013) 66:140-
66:151-157, 66:158-172. 66:173-183, 66:719-725, 66:726-735).
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