National Abortion Federation
The National Abortion Federation (NAF) is the professional association of abortion providers in Canada and
the United States. We serve those who make choice a reality: physicians, nurses, counselors, administrators,
and other health care professionals at clinics, doctors’ offices, and hospitals in eight Canadian provinces and two
territories, and across the United States. Our members care for more than half the women who choose abortion
each year in Canada and the United States. The mission of NAF is to ensure safe, legal, and accessible abortion
care to promote health and justice for women.
Our work supports these three fundamental aspects of our mission:
Safe - NAF provides our members with the education and professional support they need to provide the
highest quality abortion care.
Legal - NAF provides the medical, provider, and patient perspectives in debates about abortion policies.
Accessible - NAF provides women with the resources they need to make informed decisions about their
NAF sets the standard for quality abortion care in Canada and the United States through our evidence-based
Clinical Policy Guidelines. Member facilities are periodically visited by NAF’s clinical services staff to verify that
they comply with our guidelines, which ensure that women receive the highest quality care. Women seeking
abortion care should look for the NAF quality certification and know that they can obtain quality abortion care
in NAF member facilities.
Providing Direct Services for Women: The NAF Hotline provides callers from Canada and the United States
with unbiased, factual information; options counseling; and referrals to providers of quality care. The NAF
Hotline receives thousands of calls each month from women, their partners, families, and friends. It is the only
national, toll-free, confidential source of information and referrals for abortion in Canada and the United
States. The Hotline is multi-lingual and counselors are available to speak with individuals in English, French or
Spanish. Those who call the Hotline come from very different life circumstances, but all are in need of the
valuable support and resources that the hotline provides. The NAF Hotline is available at 1-800-772-9100
Monday-Friday from 8am-9pm and Saturday from 9am-5pm (EST).
Medical Leadership: Since 1977, NAF has ensured the safety and high quality of abortion practice with
standards of care, protocols, quality improvement programs, and accredited continuing medical education. Our
educational programs include the only ongoing abortion-specific accredited continuing medical education
available to health care providers in Canada and the United States; a comprehensive curriculum for training in
abortion care; and the development of an up-to-date, comprehensive clinical textbook on surgical and medical
To learn more about NAF, visit
104 – 284 Helmcken Rd
Victoria, BC V9B 1T2
United States:
1660 L Street NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-667-5881