HYCU for Asana
R-Cloud Module Guide
HYCU for Asana. 2024 HYCU. All rights reserved. 1
Table of Contents
About the module ........................................................................................... 3
Prerequisites .................................................................................................. 3
Limitations .................................................................................................... 3
General limitations .................................................................................... 3
API call rate limitations .............................................................................. 4
Creating a personal access token ..................................................................... 4
Protecting data ............................................................................................... 5
Backup ...................................................................................................... 5
Restore ..................................................................................................... 5
HYCU for Asana. 2024 HYCU. All rights reserved. 2
Copyright notice
© 2024 HYCU. All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by
copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced,
distributed, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, modified or translated to
another language in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of
HYCU for Asana. 2024 HYCU. All rights reserved. 3
About the module
The R-Cloud (formerly HYCU Protégé) module for Asana enables you to protect
the contents of your Asana account.
Before you configure the module in R-Cloud, create the personal access token on
your Asana account. For details, see section Creating the personal access token.
The Asana user who created the personal access token must be added to all Asana
projects, portfolios, and to the teams that you plan to protect.
Note: Asana uses the delegated authentication and authorization flow. This
means that R-Cloud does not store or manage the Asana user names and
passwords. Instead, R-Cloud passes the control to Asana by identifying itself
with a personal access token. When Asana allows you to choose an account and
to sign in, Asana hands over the control back to R-Cloud along with the personal
access token.
General limitations
These are the general Asana data protection limitations:
The Asana members can be backed up but cannot be restored. They can be
assigned to an Asana object.
Data protection is possible for all Asana objects that are accessible by using
the personal access token.
The custom Asana fields can be protected only if using a paid Asana
subscription plan.
The custom Asana fields can be protected only on the workspace level.
The workspace recovery will restore to the same workspace that was used
for the backup because Asana doesn’t allow you to create new workspaces.
The restored objects will have a new timestamp and will be created by the
token user. The data cannot be restored on behalf of other users.
HYCU for Asana. 2024 HYCU. All rights reserved. 4
API call rate limitations
The Asana API call rate limitations are:
For free users: 150 calls per minute
For the premium, business, and enterprise users: 1500 calls per minute
These limitations may cause the HTTP 429 Too Many Requests errors during
the backup and restore procedures.
Creating a personal access
To create a personal access token in Asana, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Asana developer console at https://app.asana.com/0/my-apps.
2. Go to your Personal access tokens, and then click Create new token.
3. Give the token a name, accept the Asanas terms and conditions, and click
the Create token button.
4. The token appears on your screen. Copy the token.
HYCU for Asana. 2024 HYCU. All rights reserved. 5
Protecting data
R-Cloud starts protecting your Asana data after you add the module as a source to
R-Cloud and assign a policy to the related SaaS application.
For details on how to add the module to R-Cloud, see HYCU R-Cloud Help.
When adding the module as a source, provide the following information:
Display name
Backup target
Personal access token
For details on how to back up your Asana account, see HYCU R-Cloud Help.
R-Cloud allows you to restore your protected Asana data on the following levels:
Custom field
Portfolio item
HYCU for Asana. 2024 HYCU. All rights reserved. 6
For details on how to restore your Asana account, see HYCU R-Cloud Help.
HYCU for Asana. 2024 HYCU. All rights reserved. 7
Provide feedback
For any suggestions and comments regarding this product or its documentation,
send us an e-mail to:
We will be glad to hear from you!
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